
By davaro, 15 June, 2023

Good Agricultural Practices for Pre-Harvest and Post-Harvest Management in Lemon


Lemon is a tree fruit, which belongs to the citrus family. Related to oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, apples, and some others. The lemon tree can measure up to 6 meters in height, its leaves are shiny and the fruit is round-oval with a shiny skin texture and small holes. Lemon's main characteristic is an intense acid flavor, and its versatility when it comes to wanting to consume it.



By davaro, 12 June, 2023

Good Agricultural Practices for Pre harvest and Post harvest Management in Oranges

The orange is a special, unique fruit, with certain characteristics that make it attractive in the market and consequently in the life of the human being. The orange is delicious, good in every way, noble in its development and loyal in its harvest. The orange belongs to the Rutáceas family, it is thought that the orange is a fruit native to Asia, but these are only speculations, since the data is uncertain, in fact its origin is not known with certainty.

By davaro, 12 June, 2023

Good Agricultural Practices for Pre harvest and Post harvest Management in Strawberry - Strawberry

The strawberry -called strawberry in several Latin American countries- is a delicious and fleshy fruit, a fruit that is friendly to any palate, because the flavor of the strawberry is delicious and above all very particular.

The strawberry is physically red, seedless in the center but in its rind, it does not have a pit, its texture is shiny with relief of small cracks and it is very similar in size to a guava.

By davaro, 18 April, 2023

Typical diseases of bell pepper crops 

Bell pepper crops can be susceptible to a variety of diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Some of the most common diseases that affect bell pepper crops include:

  1. Bacterial Spot: A bacterial disease that causes dark brown spots with yellow halos on the leaves, stems, and fruits of the plant. The spots may merge and cause defoliation and fruit rot, leading to significant yield loss.

By davaro, 18 April, 2023

Typical diseases of tomato crops

Tomatoes are susceptible to a variety of diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Some of the most common diseases that affect tomato crops include:

  1. Early Blight: A fungal disease that starts with the yellowing and wilting of the lower leaves, which develop dark spots with concentric rings that gradually enlarge and merge. It can cause significant yield loss.