
By davaro, 18 April, 2023

Typical diseases of bell pepper crops 

Bell pepper crops can be susceptible to a variety of diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Some of the most common diseases that affect bell pepper crops include:

  1. Bacterial Spot: A bacterial disease that causes dark brown spots with yellow halos on the leaves, stems, and fruits of the plant. The spots may merge and cause defoliation and fruit rot, leading to significant yield loss.

By davaro, 18 April, 2023

Typical diseases of tomato crops

Tomatoes are susceptible to a variety of diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Some of the most common diseases that affect tomato crops include:

  1. Early Blight: A fungal disease that starts with the yellowing and wilting of the lower leaves, which develop dark spots with concentric rings that gradually enlarge and merge. It can cause significant yield loss.

SmartFertiFix S -Adjuvant 


SmartFertiFix S is a green and sustainable adjuvant that increases efficiency and reinforces the action of the fertilizers applied to the crop.

SmartFertiFix S is a plant based adjuvant that increases the potential of obtaining nutrients by crops, by prolonging their availability in the soil solution.

ALOESOLPROTECT - Solar protector for plants

ALOESOLPROTECT is a solar protector for plants that reduces heat stress to many crops, by protecting the foliage and fruit from damaging ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation. It allows photosynthesis to occur in a better way.

ALOESOLPROTECT reduces sunburn damage to fruit and minimize overall heat stress in plants.

ALOESOLPROTECT creates a reflective and cooling barrier in crops grown both in the open field (for large and extensive crops) and in shade mesh or greenhouses (horticulture and intensive crops).

ALOESOLPROTECT is a formulation based on polysaccharides, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and anthraquinones from aloe, with the addition of extracts from sedum, a plant Crassulaceae from the Sonoran and Chihuahua deserts in Mexico.

ALOENOHARD - Cleaning Aid and Hardness Corrector for Water Used In Irrigation

ALOENOHARD is a sustainable product to be used as a cleaning aid and corrector of the hardness of the water used in irrigation, sprinkling or spraying processes, depending on the crops, both in the open field (for large and extensive crops) and in shade mesh or greenhouses (horticulture and intensive crops).

ALOENOHARD is sustainable and green as it is a product manufactured from aloe polysaccharides, minerals and anthraquinones.

ALOEWATERCLEAN - Disinfectant for irrigation water used in agriculture

ALOEWATERCLEAN is a formulation based on aloe polysaccharides and amino acids, mixed with roselle extract for use in the disinfection and bacteria control of irrigation water used in agricultural plantations.