ALOENOHARD - Cleaning Aid and Hardness Corrector for Water Used In Irrigation

ALOENOHARD - Cleaning Aid and Hardness Corrector for Water Used In Irrigation

ALOENOHARD is a sustainable product to be used as a cleaning aid and corrector of the hardness of the water used in irrigation, sprinkling or spraying processes, depending on the crops, both in the open field (for large and extensive crops) and in shade mesh or greenhouses (horticulture and intensive crops).

ALOENOHARD is sustainable and green as it is a product manufactured from aloe polysaccharides, minerals and anthraquinones.

As is known, hard or calcareous water contains a high level of minerals, particularly magnesium and calcium salts. Agrochemicals are applied by processes of spraying, sprinkling or with irrigation tapes, where water from
well is used, which usually present conditions from medium to high hardness, which tends to degrade the molecules of the applied agrochemicals. Additionally, the presence of calcium or magnesium ions generate insoluble salts in the tanks where agrochemicals are stored, all of which reduce the efficiency of the process.

For all these reasons, ALOENOHARD is a totally green and sustainable option for water softening, replacing polluting chemicals, many of them already banned in certain countries.

Our formulation combines the power of polysaccharides, anthraquinones and amino acids of aloe that interact with magnesium and calcium salts, reducing the hardness of the water in order to optimize its use.

The product is used directly on water systems that supply irrigation, or in the water tanks where they are mixed
agrochemicals for subsequent spraying and/or spraying.

The dose varies depending on the hardness and pH of the water. Hardness is usually expressed in ppm or g/L of calcium carbonate equivalent, plus the amount of magnesium present as calcium carbonate equivalent.

ALOENOHARD main benefits are

  • Subtracts the compounds that generate the hardness of the water

  • Improves the quality of water to be used in the application of agrochemicals.

  • Improves the efficiency of agrochemicals applied with hard water

  • Does not produce phytotoxicity in plants

  • Eliminates the use of polluting chemicals to soften water

  • Green and sustainable product, without pollutants or toxic compounds

  • Not harmful to health

For more information please write to info (at) or send a message via the contact Form