ALOESTICK Adjuvant to improve foliar applications of agrochemicals

ALOESTICK Adjuvant to improve foliar applications of agrochemicals

ALOESTICK is a product to be used as an adjuvant and applied by spraying or spraying to crops that require the application of fungicides, insecticides, herbicides and acaricides, as well as foliar fertilizers, without affecting their composition, both in the open field (for large and extensive crops) and in shade mesh or greenhouses (horticulture and intensive crops).

The presence of saponins allows a better penetration of agrochemicals in the plants, while galacturonic acid and other polysaccharides present in aloe and nopal give it its ability to adhere to leaves.

ALOESTICK is a sustainable and green formulation since it is a manufactured product based on polysaccharides, amino acids, minerals and anthraquinones from aloe and polysaccharides from other plants.

The product is used as an adjuvant with agrochemicals such as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, defoliants and foliar fertilizers.

The product is mixed in the water tanks where they mix agrochemicals for subsequent spraying and/or spraying.

The reported doses are for application with adequate hardness and pH.

ALOESTICK main benefits are

  • Increases the adherence of the agrochemicals applied

  • Better dispersion of the agrochemicals applied

  • It has emollient and moisturizing properties

  • Mixed with agrochemicals, it offers greater coverage and greater permanence in leaves and plants

  • Does not produce phytotoxicity in plants

  • Green and sustainable product, without contaminants

Our formulation offers excellent results in its application when combined with glyphosate.

For more information please write to info (at) or send a message via the contact Form