
By davaro, 15 May, 2023

What is an adjuvant in agriculture?

An adjuvant in agriculture is a substance or material that is added to fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and other agricultural chemicals to improve their effectiveness or performance.

Adjuvants are typically added to the spray solution or tank mix and work by modifying the physical or chemical properties of the pesticide or herbicide. Adjuvants are also added to granular or liquid fertilizers to improve the soil or the crop yields.

ALOESTICK Adjuvant to improve foliar applications of agrochemicals

ALOESTICK is a product to be used as an adjuvant and applied by spraying or spraying to crops that require the application of fungicides, insecticides, herbicides and acaricides, as well as foliar fertilizers, without affecting their composition, both in the open field (for large and extensive crops) and in shade mesh or greenhouses (horticulture and intensive crops).