
By davaro, 2 June, 2023

How the bio stimulants can improve a wheat crop?

Bio stimulants can play a beneficial role in improving wheat crops by enhancing their growth, development, and overall performance.

Here are several ways that bio stimulants can contribute to improving wheat crops:

By davaro, 15 May, 2023

What is a soil and foliar improver in agriculture?

A soil and foliar improver is a substance used in agriculture to improve soil fertility and plant growth.

Soil and foliar improvers work by enhancing the nutrient content of soil and increasing the availability of nutrients to plants. They can be used to improve plant health, increase crop yield, and promote sustainable agriculture practices.

ALOESTICK Adjuvant to improve foliar applications of agrochemicals

ALOESTICK is a product to be used as an adjuvant and applied by spraying or spraying to crops that require the application of fungicides, insecticides, herbicides and acaricides, as well as foliar fertilizers, without affecting their composition, both in the open field (for large and extensive crops) and in shade mesh or greenhouses (horticulture and intensive crops).