PRESERVALOE - Fresh Produce Protection for Long Journeys

PRESERVALOE - Fresh Produce Protection for Long Journeys

PRESERVALOE is a 100% natural, plant based post harvest solution to offer protection to fruits and vegetables in long journeys.

In the world trade of fruits and vegetables, there are many cases where the fresh product must be kept in a good state of conservation, but must spend  long periods of transportation before reaching their final destination, which often leads to deterioration of the product and important losses.

PRESERVALOE has been developed to meet the needs of this specific market. PRESERVALOE is a formulation based on purified extracts of aloe and chitosan polysaccharides, which keeps the freshness and quality of fruits and vegetables.

It is used as a preventive coating for fruits and vegetables that have long periods of international transport until they reach their markets and final consumers.

PRESERVALOE combines the powerful antifungal and antibacterial effects of aloe and chitosan with the action of its polysaccharides, which help extend the shelf life of treated fruits and vegetables.

Main benefits

  • Provides greater firmness to treated fruits and vegetables

  • Prevents attacks by microorganisms

  • Reduces the rate of ethylene production and reduces the rate of respiration, which implies an extension of the product's life

  • Offers antibacterial and antifungal protection during the transport period

  • Keeps the fruit or vegetable in good condition during long journeys

  • Green and sustainable product, without contaminants

We offer PRESERVALOE for most fruits and vegetables.

For purchase orders or enquiries please write us to info (at) or send a message through the Contact Form