Aloe Fillet for Industrial Use

Aloe fillet is a simple product, just for industrial processing. The aloe fillet is a simple inner fillet from the aloe leaf, without aloin or with a low aloin content. It can be used to produce diferent kind of foods, beverages, cosmetics, personal care products, cleaning products and any other item which contains aloe vera into its formulation. Aloe fillets are a bulk product for ultimate processing or manufacturing.

How to Prepare Homemade Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe EasyTM fillet is a mix ready to prepare aloe vera hand sanitizer at home. You only have to grind in a mixer and then mix with alcohol, obtaining a fabulous formula that will care your hands.

These videos show how to prepare hand sanitizer at home.

The first video shows how to prepare aloe vera gel starting from our product Aloe EasyTM fillets.