
Aloe Fillet for Industrial Use

Aloe fillet is a simple product, just for industrial processing. The aloe fillet is a simple inner fillet from the aloe leaf, without aloin or with a low aloin content. It can be used to produce diferent kind of foods, beverages, cosmetics, personal care products, cleaning products and any other item which contains aloe vera into its formulation. Aloe fillets are a bulk product for ultimate processing or manufacturing.

Aloe Properties

Frequently the aloe plants are cultivated as ornamental plants. But the main wild or commercial cultivated aloe species, used basically in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, beauty, toiletry, food and beverages industries are the following: 

  • Aloe Vera (Barbadensis miller)

  • Aloe Saponaria 

  • Aloe Arborescens Miller 

  • Aloe Ferox 

  • Aloe Perryi (Socotra) 

  • Aloe Chinensis

Aloe Cubes

Aloe cubes are a new way to enjoy the properties and advantages of aloe vera.

Aloe cubes are a new alternative to the aloe vera juices or aloe vera drinks. They provide the same benefits and keep most of aloe vera properties since the industrial process allows the cubes to maintain most of the properties. Aloe polysaccharides, minerals, vitamins, aminoacids and enzymes are kept as when you cut the aloe vera leaf.