Main Benefits of AloeCoat - Post Harvest Solution for Fruits and Vegetables

By davaro, 12 October, 2022

Main Benefits of AloeCoat- Post Harvest Solution for Fruits and Vegetables

by Daniel Avaro, CEO, Aloetrade America LLC

AloeCoat  is an edible coating whose main objective is to keep food safety and preserve fresh produce. AloeCoat provides additional benefits and advantages compared to conventional waxes, additives or synthetic preservatives used in the industry.

The main constituents of aloe provide many beneficial effects to fruits and vegetables.

AloeCoat main benefits and properties are the following:

  • Shelf Life Extension

AloeCoat  acts on fresh produce by creating a bio film on each fruit or vegetable, while the aging process of a product is delayed. This gives longer product shelf life, with the consequent economic advantages that means for the supermarket. More time to sell the produce, reducing losses and increasing revenues.

  • Anti bacterial function

AloeCoat offers a wide bactericidal function, since aloe main constituents possess antibacterial action, thus avoiding the proliferation of bacteria that degrade fruits and vegetables.

The bacteria that attacks fruits and vegetables is inhibited quickly when AloeCoat  is used. The combined saponin, lignin, salicylic acid, cinnamic acid and chrysophanic acid present in the aloe creates antibacterial effects of immediate action. Cytotoxic characteristics of aloe respond quickly releasing unwanted bacteria.

Aloe is effective against bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Salmonella paratyphi, Streptococcus agalactiae, Klebsiella pneumonae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, Enterobacter cloacae, among others (Benigni, 1950; Bruce, 1967; Golding et al., 1963; Lehr et al., 1991; Zawacki, 1974). In short, AloeCoat reduces the growth of bacterial species.

  • Anti fungal function

AloeCoat also has anti fungal action in fruits and vegetables. Such property is carried out mostly by acemannan and other two constituents contained in aloe, cinnamic acid and chrysophanic acid.

The cinnamic acid produces a germicidal action against fungi that attack fruits and vegetables. The anti fungal activity of aloe is well documented, including its effectiveness against pathogens such as Penicillium digitatum, P. expansum, Botrytis cinerea and Alternaria alternate.

  • Antiseptic function

AloeCoat  contains various antiseptic agents, namely the lupeol, salicylic acid, urea, cinnamic acid and phenols. They all have inhibitory action on fungi, bacteria and viruses. However, there are three relevant antiseptics elements present in aloe, and they are saponins, cinnamic acid, and salicylic acid.

Saponins are glycosides and are very particular. The saponins present in AloeCoat  have purifying, antiseptic and antimicrobial actions that are not destructive to the surrounding cell tissues. Meanwhile, cinnamic acid, an organic acid is excellent antiseptic and germicidal activity, as well as the salycilic acid.

  • Moisturizing properties

One of the main problems of fruits and vegetables is that water loss by transpiration eventually leads to the wilting of the product. Therefore, the product is dehydrated, turns white and withers. This is so because the water deficit affects the turgidity of plant tissues.

Mucopolysaccharides contained into AloeCoat , help keep moisture in the skin of fruitsand vegetables. The aminoacids present in AloeCoat  also contribute to this process.

AloeCoat  reduces moisture loss since their higroscopic properties allow create a barrier between the plant and the surrounding environment.

  • Easy adherence to fruit and vegetables

AloeCoat  is a mucilaginous based edible coating made with aloe polysaccharides and aloe certain compounds from inside the aloe leaf. Those polysaccharides are natural polymers that also offer high viscosity, all of which provides gelling features that allows easy adherence to the skin of fruits and vegetables.

  • Respiration rate reduction

AloeCoat  significantly reduces the respiration rate of fruits and vegetables that are treated with the product. The decline in production and lower CO2 respiration rate translates into longer life of the product. Aloe compounds are used in different ways for each formulation, since fruitsor vegetables have different respiration rates, and the objective is extend shelf life without altering flavor, odor or color of the fresh produce. Thus, AloeCoat for mango is a different formula than AloeCoat for papaya, for instance.

  • Gives Firmness  to Fruit and Vegetables

Treatment with AloeCoat, significantly reduces loss of firmness during cold storage and shelves at average temperatures of 20°C, depending on fresh produce and environmental conditions.

  • Improves healing of small wounds or cuts on the skin

Treatment with AloeCoat, improves the healing and regeneration of small wounds made to the fruit or vegetable at packing process, avoiding ultimate leakage and preventing bacterial or fungal attack.

  • No Changes in Color, Flavor or Smell

AloeCoat  does not modify color, flavor or smell in any fruits or vegetables where is used.

  • Food Safety

AloeCoat is a new tool to enhance food safety in fresh produce. Such functions are performed in two ways:

  • Improves shine to the product

AloeCoat improves shine to every fruit or vegetable. 

  • Keep product in good conditions for long transport journeys

Thanks to above benefits and properties, AloeCoat maintains fresh produce in good conditions when long journeys are required to reach foreign markets.

  • Reduces Food Waste

Application of AloeCoat implies more fruit or vegetable in good condition, which in turn means less and reduced food waste for the planet. 

  • Improves quality and marketability of fresh produce

Application of AloeCoat means better quality fresh produce and higher acceptance by the markets and final consumers.